Giving My House Back To The Bank In Greater Seattle / Eastside

“I’m behind in payments…will I be giving my house back to the bank in Greater Seattle / Eastside?” Nobody wants to lose their home. But sometimes financial circumstances turn against you and those financial commitments become simply too much to manage. If your situation progresses too far, you may be forced into the unfortunate situation … Continued

Having Trouble Paying Your Mortgage During COVID? What 2021 May Look Like For You in Greater Seattle / Eastside

Having trouble paying your mortgage during COVID? It’s estimated that 400,000 homeowners who qualified for government-backed mortgage forbearance programs did not take advantage of the benefits and are already behind on their mortgages. As the new year approaches, the moratorium on government-backed mortgages ends. Nationally, an average of 1 in 10 homeowners are behind on … Continued

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